The GEO Health Community of Practice is a global network of governments, organizations, and observers, which seeks to use environmental observations to improve health decision-making at the international, regional, country, and district levels.


A note from GEO Health COP Chair and Program Manager of Health and Air Quality Applications at NASA, John Haynes

The environment can affect human health in ways that are both complex and global in scope.  The GEO Health Community of Practice (CoP) is working toward a future where decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive, and sustained Earth observations.  The GEO Health CoP provides a platform for the Earth observation, modeling, and prediction communities to come together with end users in public health and air quality to address GEO Health Tasks. 

I am proud to currently chair this effort and look forward to expanding our network in new and novel ways.  As you browse this site, I hope you get to know more about GEO and its connections to health.  Perhaps you’ll think of ways that Earth observations can help your organization—if so, reach out and get involved!

A note from GEO Health CoP Chair and One Health and Integrated Climate Research Lead at NOAA, Juli Trtanj

Welcome to the GEO Health Community of Practice! Imagine a world where the power of our Earth Observing Systems is an integral part of how we can improve the health and well-being of our society. The intersection of human, animal, and environmental health—recognized as a One Health approach—is at the core of this community. Bringing together multiple disciplines, communities, countries, and crossing boundaries of all kinds, this Community of Practice is designed to be your community! Together, we can develop innovative approaches, strategies, and partnerships to reduce, predict, prepare, and prevent environment-related health risks. Oh, and by the way, this includes both ground AND satellite observations—no bias allowed!

I am honored to serve as one of the chairs of the GEO Health Community of Practice. Please come join us, bring your questions, share your expertise, build your and connections. Let us know how this global network can help—reach out and get involved!