The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Health Community of Practice is pleased to host the next community teleconference on Tuesday, June 29th from 8:30AM-10AM EDT (GMT-4). During this meeting, there will be two invited presentations. First, Anna Stewart-Ibarra (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, IAI) will provide an overview of the IAI and describe a few projects within the research portfolio. Second, Liana Anderson (National Centre for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters, CEMADEN, Brazil) will describe her IAI-funded project (MAP-FIRE: Multi-Actor Adaptation Plan to cope with Forests under Increasing Risk of Extensive fires) on the use of Earth observations for wildfire early warning in the Amazon region of Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. We hope that these presentations will continue to strengthen our scientific networks in the Americas region!
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Earlier Event: June 21
GEO Virtual Symposium 2021
Later Event: July 20
GEO Health Community of Practice Telecon (July 2021)