Call for Proposals: European Space Agency – Future Earth Joint Activities (Due November 2, 2018)

In efforts to strengthen partnership activities between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Future Earth, there is a second call for proposals that promote the use of Earth observation data and tools to support Future Earth’s research objectives and meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These proposals should focus on one of three key topics: engaging new research communities, novel uses of ESA Earth observation data, or the exploitation of essential climate variable datasets from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative. Applications will be accepted until November 2, 2018, and four successful proposals (up to €12,000) will be selected in late November 2018. For more information, please review the guidelines on the ESA – Future Earth Joint Activities Call for Proposals 2018.

Additionally, there will be a quarterly call for travel funds for Future Earth members to attend ESA-organized and supported meetings and engage with the Earth observation community. For more information, please review the ESA – Future Earth guidelines and application form.

For additional questions, please contact the ESA – Future Earth Liaison Officer, Cat Downy.
