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GEO Health Community of Practice Telecon (May 2021)

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Health Community of Practice is pleased to host the next community teleconference on Tuesday, May 4th from 8:30AM-10AM EDT (GMT-4). During this meeting, there will be three invited presentations. First, Tabassum Insaf (New York Department of Health) will provide an overview of her research that uses remote sensing and environmental data to strengthen heat mitigation efforts (NASA Helps New Yorkers Cope with Summer Swelter). Second, Christian Braneon (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) will provide an overview of his research on mapping urban heat islands with relative land surface temperatures and collaborations with the GISS’ Urban Climate Change Research Network on using global climate models and remote sensing datasets in resiliency planning (Mapping Urban Heat Islands Leads NYC Council Data Team to Landsat). Finally, Hunter Jones (NOAA) will discuss the community-led summer campaign by NOAA’s National Integrated Heat Information System and partners, to map the hottest parts of cities in 11 states across the United States (NOAA and Communities to Map Heat Inequities in 11 States). We hope that these presentations focusing on heat-related topics will continue to strengthen our scientific networks!